Post-Installation Instructions For Polyaspartic Topcoats

Make Sure Your Garage Floor Coatings Are in Great Shape From Day 1

What to Do After Garagewerx Completes Your Polyaspartic Floor Covering

These tips will help teach you what you should and should not do in the time directly after we have finished applying a polyaspartic floor covering on your floor in Texas. By following this flooring care guide, your floor will look better, last longer, and require less maintenance. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our team.


Learn about:

  • What your floor may smell like

  • How long the coating takes to dry

  • How long the coating takes to cure

  • How long to wait before walking or driving on the floor

General Hygiene Maintenance

Protect your garage floor coatings on a daily basis and as needed with the following maintenance tips.

  1. There will be a strong smell for the first 12-24 hours while the floor is drying.

    1. The warmer the temperatures, the faster the dry time and the sooner the fumes will stop outgassing. The cooler it is, the longer it takes for the floor to dry and the longer the outgassing process will take.

    2. You can open the garage door to evacuate the fumes for at least 30 minutes.

    3. Do not walk on the floor during the drying period because it is not ready for foot traffic. Repeat as necessary to help air out the garage and the house.

  2. It will take approximately 2-4 hours for the surface of the floor to dry at 77° F or warmer, or 4-6 hours when cooler.

  3. Wait 6-8 hours before allowing light foot traffic.

  4. Wait 8-12 hours before allowing heavy foot traffic.

  5. Wait 24 hours before light vehicle traffic when temperatures are 77° F or warmer.

    1. Light vehicle traffic is defined as having a single vehicle on the surface for no more than 12 hours at a time.

  6. Wait 48 hours before having vehicle traffic when the temperatures are lower than 77° F

  7. The floor will be fully cured after 5-7 days at 77° F or higher, and 7-10 days when the temperature is less than 77° F.

  8. For the first 3 days, we recommend only having vehicles on the coating for 12 or fewer hours at a time. After 72 hours you can have a vehicle on the floor for longer periods.

  9. It takes 5-7 days at 77° F for the polyaspartic floor coating to fully cure

    1. Do not drive on the floor with hot tires until the floor has fully cured

      1. While it is curing, we recommend letting your tires cool down for about 30 minutes before parking in the garage.

      2. If the temperatures are below 77° F, we recommend waiting longer before driving on your floor with hot tires.

As-Needed Maintenance

  • Use a mild, environmentally safe soap solution and degreasers in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions to remove stubborn surface debris.

  • Windex with ammonia or vinegar and similar products can help remove hard water stains, road wear, dirt, and basic road oils.

  • We do not recommend using harsh detergents, acids, or alkali, as these can damage the garage floor coating.

Recommendations for Water Stains

Remove hard water stains with Windex and vinegar or by creating a solution of one part white vinegar and three to five parts water. This will clean the hard water stains while restoring shine to your garage floor coating.

Recommendations for High-Traffic Areas

In high-traffic areas, we recommend regular surface waxing to protect your garage floor coating. This will help extend the life and beauty of your floors.

Topcoat & Sealer Maintenance

Depending on the environmental conditions and use that your garage floor coatings are in, you will need to reseal your floors every 10 to 15 years. Preserving the topcoat and sealer helps prevent the exposure of underlying layers, which can start to wear, discolor, fade, and be subject to chemical attack if not properly cared for.

Acrylic sealers should be resealed every one to three years depending on the solids content. Acrylic urethane sealers should be reapplied every four to seven years. Once the sealer thickness is below two dry mils, a resealing is recommended in order to protect your garage floor coating.

Please feel free to download and read our maintenance guide, and reach out to Garagewerx in Dallas to learn more about general maintenance and resealing your garage floor coatings.

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