Post-Installation Instructions for Epoxy Flooring

Learn What to Expect After the Initial Installation

What to Expect Initially

Just after installation, your epoxy floor coating will still need time to dry. You’ll notice a mild smell during the first 12 to 24 hours after installation. You can help evacuate these fumes by opening your garage door for at least 30 minutes. The total drying time for your epoxy floor coating will depend on the temperature. At 77° F and warmer, your floor will dry in about nine to 12 hours. If it’s cooler than 77° F, your epoxy floor coating will need anywhere from 12 to 18 hours to dry. If you have any questions about this process, please contact Garagewerx in Dallas.


What you’ll learn:

  • When the surface is safe for light foot traffic

  • When the surface is safe for heavy foot traffic

  • When the surface is safe for light vehicle traffic

  • When the surface is safe for regular vehicle traffic

  • How long a vehicle can sit on the surface

  • Curing time for the floor

Additional Instructions

Foot Traffic

Please wait approximately 24 hours after epoxy floor coating is installed before walking on it. It is safe for light foot traffic after 24 hours if the temperature is 77° F or warmer. If the temperature is lower, wait for 36–48 hours before allowing light foot traffic.

Heavy foot traffic is permissible on the epoxy floor coating 48 hours after the installation as long as the temperature is 77° F or warmer. In cooler conditions, please wait 72–84 hours (three to four days).

Vehicle Traffic

Please wait 72 hours after epoxy floor coating before allowing light vehicle traffic. This is the standard for temperatures that are 77° F or warmer. If temperatures are cooler, please allow four to five days for the surface to cure. “Light vehicle traffic” is defined by having a vehicle park on the surface for 12 hours or less.

Five days after the epoxy floor coating is installed, it is safe to park your vehicle for longer than 12 hours if temperatures are 77° F or warmer.

Curing Time

Please allow at least seven days for the epoxy floor coating to finish curing at 77° F or warmer, and at least 10 days to completely cure if temperatures are below 77° F.

Do not drive on the surface with hot tired until the surface has fully cured. We recommend letting tires cool down for at least 30 minutes before parking on the coated surface.

Trust Garagewerx with Your Floor Coating Needs

At Garagewerx in Dallas, we’ll take care of the epoxy floor coating installation and give you the resources you need to take care of your newly coated surfaces. Download the guide below to keep handy after installation, and reach out to our team if you have any questions.

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